Light ROM 1
LIGHT-ROM 1 (Amiga Library Services)(1994).iso
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445 lines
; Scheme In One Define.
; The garbage collector, the name and other parts of this program are
; * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 BY *
; Conversion to full scheme standard, characters, vectors, ports, complex &
; rational numbers, debug utils, and other major enhancments by
; * Scaglione Ermanno, v. Pirinoli 16 IMPERIA P.M. 18100 ITALY *
; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its
; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
; that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
; documentation, and that the name of Paradigm Associates Inc not be used in
; advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
; specific, written prior permission.
; Optional runtime library for version 2.0
(define (caar x) (cxr x "aa"))
(define (cadr x) (cxr x "da"))
(define (cdar x) (cxr x "ad"))
(define (cddr x) (cxr x "dd"))
(define (caaar x) (cxr x "aaa"))
(define (caadr x) (cxr x "daa"))
(define (cadar x) (cxr x "ada"))
(define (caddr x) (cxr x "dda"))
(define (cdaar x) (cxr x "aad"))
(define (cdadr x) (cxr x "dad"))
(define (cddar x) (cxr x "add"))
(define (cdddr x) (cxr x "ddd"))
(define (caaaar x) (cxr x "aaaa"))
(define (caaadr x) (cxr x "daaa"))
(define (caadar x) (cxr x "adaa"))
(define (caaddr x) (cxr x "ddaa"))
(define (cadaar x) (cxr x "aada"))
(define (cadadr x) (cxr x "dada"))
(define (caddar x) (cxr x "adda"))
(define (cadddr x) (cxr x "ddda"))
(define (cdaaar x) (cxr x "aaad"))
(define (cdaadr x) (cxr x "daad"))
(define (cdadar x) (cxr x "adad"))
(define (cdaddr x) (cxr x "ddad"))
(define (cddaar x) (cxr x "aadd"))
(define (cddadr x) (cxr x "dadd"))
(define (cdddar x) (cxr x "addd"))
(define (cddddr x) (cxr x "dddd"))
(macro freeze (lambda (x)
(cons 'lambda
(cons nil (cdr x)))))
(define (thaw x) (x))
(macro delay (lambda (x)
(list 'cons ''delayed-object
(list 'lambda
'() (cadr x)))))
(define (force x)
(if (eq? (car x) 'memoized-object)
(cdr x)
(sequence (set-cdr! x ((cdr x)))
(set-car! x 'memoized-object)
(cdr x))))
(define (delayed-object? x)
(if (pair? x)
(or (eq? (car x) 'delayed-object)(eq? (car x) 'memoized-object))
(macro cons-stream
(lambda (x)
(list 'cons
(cadr x)
(list 'delay (caddr x)))))
(define (head x) (car x))
(define (tail x) (force (cdr x)))
(define the-empty-stream
((named-lambda (empty-stream)
(cons-stream 'empty-stream (empty-stream)))))
(define (empty-stream? x) (eq? (head x) 'empty-stream))
(define (stream? x)
(and (pair? x) (delayed-object? (cdr x))))
(define (stream->list z)
(define (str->ls x y)
(if (empty-stream? x)
(str->ls (tail x) (cons (head x) y))))
(str->ls z nil))
(define (list->stream z)
(if (null? z)
(cons-stream (car z) (list->stream (cdr z)))))
(define (integer->string x) (number->string x '(int)))
(macro make-environment (lambda (x)
(append (list 'let '())
(cdr x)
(list (list 'the-environment)))))
(macro alias (lambda (x)
(list 'define
(cadr x)
(caddr x))))
(macro rec (lambda (x)
(list 'letrec
(list (list (cadr x)
(caddr x)))
(cadr x))))
(define (file-length x)
(let ((a (open-input-file x))
(b nil))
(set-file-position! a 0 2)
(set! b (get-file-position a))
(close-port a)
(define (open-binary-input-file x) (open-port x "rb" 1))
(define (open-binary-output-port x) (open-port x "wb" 1))
(define (open-input-file x) (open-port x "r" 1))
(define (open-output-file x) (open-port x "w" 1))
(define (open-extend-file x) (open-port x "a" 1))
(define (current-input-port) (fluid input-port))
(define close-output-port close-port)
(define close-input-port close-port)
(define (current-output-port) (fluid output-port))
(define (flush-input x) (begin (read-line x) '()))
(define (newline . x) (display #\newline (car x)))
(define (page . x) (display #\page (car x)))
(define (call-with-input-file x y)
(let* ((in (open-input-file x))
(res (y in)))
(close-port in)
(define (call-with-output-file x y)
(let* ((out (open-output-file x))
(res (y out)))
(close-port out)
(define (with-input-from-file x y)
(let ((old-input (fluid input-port))
(res nil))
(set! (fluid input-port) (open-input-file x))
(set! res (y))
(close-port (fluid input-port))
(set! (fluid input-port) old-input)
(define (with-output-to-file x y)
(let ((old-output (fluid output-port))
(res nil))
(set! (fluid output-port) (open-output-file x))
(set! res (y))
(close-port (fluid output-port))
(set! (fluid output-port) old-output)
(define #\backspace (integer->char 8))
(define #\escape (integer->char 27))
(define #\newline (integer->char 10))
(define #\page (integer->char 12))
(define #\return (integer->char 13))
(define #\rubout (integer->char 63))
(define #\space (integer->char 32))
(define #\tab (integer->char 9))
(define (string<? x y)
(< (string-cmp x y) 0))
(define (string>? x y)
(> (string-cmp x y) 0))
(define (string=? x y)
(= (string-cmp x y) 0))
(define (string<=? x y)
(<= (string-cmp x y) 0))
(define (string>=? x y)
(>= (string-cmp x y) 0))
(define (string-CI<? x y)
(< (string-cmp-CI x y) 0))
(define (string-CI=? x y)
(= (string-cmp-CI x y) 0))
(define (substring-CI<? x y z a b c)
(string-ci<? (substring x y z) (substring a b c)))
(define (substring-CI=? x y z a b c)
(string-ci=? (substring x y z) (substring a b c)))
(define (substring<? x y z a b c)
(string<? (substring x y z) (substring a b c)))
(define (substring=? x y z a b c)
(string=? (substring x y z) (substring a b c)))
(define (string-null? x)
(= (string-cmp x "") 0))
(define (substring-fill! x y z a)
(while (< y z)
(string-set! x y a)
(set! y (1+ y)))
(define (substring-move-left! x y z a b)
(while (< y z)
(string-set! x b (string-ref a y))
(set! b (1+ b))
(set! y (1+ y)))
(define (substring-move-right! x y z a b)
(while (<= y z)
(set! z (-1+ z))
(string-set! x b (string-ref a z))
(set! b (1+ b)))
(define (symbol->ASCII x)
(char->integer (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0)))
(define (ASCII->symbol x)
(string->symbol (make-string 1 (integer->char x))))
(define (implode x)
(define y "")
(while (not (atom? x))
(cond ((string? (car x))
(set! y (string-append y
(make-string 1 (string-ref (car x) 0)))))
((symbol? (car x))
(set! y (string-append y
(make-string 1 (integer->char (symbol->ASCII (car x)))))))
((integer? (car x))
(set! y (string-append y
(make-string 1 (integer->char (car x))))))
(else (error "arg to implode must be a symbol or a string or an integer" (car x))))
(set! x (cdr x)))
(string->symbol y))
(define (explode x)
(cond ((symbol? x) (set! x (symbol->string x)))
((integer? x) (set! x (integer->string x)))
((string? x))
(else (error "arg to explode must be a symbol or a string or an integer" x)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(res nil))
((= i (string-length x)) (reverse! res))
(set! res
(cons (string->symbol (make-string 1 (string-ref x i)))
(define (char<? x y)
(< (char-cmp x y) 0))
(define (char>? x y)
(> (char-cmp x y) 0))
(define (char=? x y)
(= (char-cmp x y) 0))
(define (char<=? x y)
(<= (char-cmp x y) 0))
(define (char>=? x y)
(>= (char-cmp x y) 0))
(define (char-ci<? x y)
(< (char-cmp (char-downcase x) (char-downcase y)) 0))
(define (char-ci>? x y)
(> (char-cmp (char-downcase x) (char-downcase y)) 0))
(define (char-ci=? x y)
(= (char-cmp (char-downcase x) (char-downcase y)) 0))
(define (char-ci<=? x y)
(<= (char-cmp (char-downcase x) (char-downcase y)) 0))
(define (char-ci>=? x y)
(>= (char-cmp (char-downcase x) (char-downcase y)) 0))
(define (char-upper-case? x)
(and (char>=? x #\A) (char<=? x #\Z)))
(define (char-lower-case? x)
(and (char>=? x #\a) (char<=? x #\z)))
(define (char-digit? x)
(and (char>=? x #\0) (char<=? x #\9)))
(define (boolean? x) (or (eq? x #t) (eq? x #f)))
(define (edit)
(begin (dos-call "c:ed siod.tmp")
(load "siod.tmp")))
(define (ced)
(dos-call "ced"))
(define (call-with-current-continuation fcn)
(let ((tag (cons nil nil)))
(*catch tag
(fcn (lambda (value)
(*throw tag value))))))
(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)
(define (sort! x . y)
(define test <=)
(define (interchange x i j)
(define tmp (vector-ref x i))
(vector-set! x i (vector-ref x j))
(vector-set! x j tmp))
(define (qsort x m n)
(if (< m n)
(do ((i m) (j (1+ n))
(k (begin (interchange x m (quotient (+ m n) 2))
(vector-ref x m))))
((>= i j) (interchange x m j)
(qsort x m (-1+ j))
(qsort x (1+ j) n) x)
(set! i (1+ i))
(do () ((or (test k (vector-ref x i)) (>= i n)))
(set! i (1+ i)))
(set! j (-1+ j))
(do () ((or (test (vector-ref x j) k) (<= j m)))
(set! j (-1+ j)))
(if (< i j) (interchange x i j)))))
(define (m-s x y)
(define res (list 'dummy))
(do ((ptr res (cdr ptr))
(done #f))
(done (cdr res))
(cond ((null? x) (set-cdr! ptr y) (set! done #t))
((null? y) (set-cdr! ptr x) (set! done #t))
((test (car x) (car y))
(set-cdr! ptr x) (set! x (cdr x)))
(else (set-cdr! ptr y) (set! y (cdr y))))))
(define (mer-so x)
(if (or (null? x) (null? (cdr x)))
(m-s x (mer-so (do ((ptr (cdr x) (cdr ptr))
(y (cddr x) (cdr y)))
((or (null? y) (test (car y) (car ptr)))
(set-cdr! ptr nil) y))))))
(if (pair? y)
(if (proc? (car y))
(set! test (car y))
(error "second arg to sort! must be a procedure" (car y))))
(cond ((vector? x) (qsort x 0 (-1+ (vector-length x))) x)
((pair? x) (mer-so x))
(else (error "first arg to sort! must be a vector or a list" x))))
(define (break proc . nome)
(let ((code (procedure-code proc))
(text (if (string? (car nome))
(string-append "break-point entered in " (car nome))
"breakpoint entered")))
(set-cdr! code (list 'begin
(list 'bkpt text)
(cdr code)))
(set-procedure-code! proc code)))
(define (unbreak proc)
(let ((code (procedure-code proc)))
(if (eq? (caaddr code) 'bkpt)
(set-cdr! code (cadddr code))
(error "procedure is not breaked"))
(set-procedure-code! proc code)))
(define (*tracer* nome env)
(display (string-append "entering procedure "
" with parameters:"))
(do ((ar (environment-bindings env) (cdr ar)))
((null? ar))
(print (cdar ar))
(define (trace proc nome)
(let ((code (procedure-code proc)))
(set-cdr! code
(list 'begin
(list '*tracer* (if (string? (car nome))
(car nome)
(list 'the-environment))
(cdr code)))
(set-procedure-code! proc code)))
(define (untrace proc)
(let ((code (procedure-code proc)))
(if (eq? (caaddr code) '*tracer*)
(set-cdr! code (cadddr code))
(error "procedure is not traced"))
(set-procedure-code! proc code)))